Harms of Development

Is development always good? Does the increasingly complex life make you forget the beauty of simplicity and naturalness? Let’s think a little about living without getting lost in the shadow of development and truly enjoying life. In the article, we will highlight the side effects of development because we think that development, which is a good thing in its essence, can be harmful in general, that is, when looked at from other perspectives. The subject will be better understood when we explain the harms of development with examples.

Development has strong ties with different phenomena such as emotion, intelligence and social environment. The mental, physical and environmental factors needed to thrive come together. When the environment is suitable, the organism will develop naturally. Let’s start with one of the first stages of development, namely the development of emotions.

Side Effects of Enhanced Emotions

For example, you find a lover, or he finds you, or you meet by chance and meet, just like in the movies. You say you have found complete peace because you now have a lover. However, this situation is not permanent. A relationship can only last with the desire and efforts of both parties. Your relationship begins and develops over time.

Do you think it is normal to do the same thing today as you did yesterday? In a developing world, this situation, that is, stagnation, is now seen as abnormal. Even if you want a normal life, those around you want to see you further. Your current existence is accepted as is, but this will change in the future.

In a study conducted on the social and emotional development of children between the ages of 4 and 12 who stutter, it was found that variables such as social environmental factors and the quality of the relationship with the parents have significant effects.

Sometimes there are some problems in relationships, this is normal. There are things you need to know when starting a relationship. Coming to the part where the problems are related to our topic, relationships are always built on development, both materially and spiritually. Think about the Valentine’s Day gift you received last year or the activity you did. Here you need to do the same things next year, but with a difference! You are expected to do better in the future.

However, you may want to follow the routine and spend the day knowing that you are aware of what is important, but the other person will naturally want you to do or do something better than last year. So, as a result, you are expected to be further ahead than last year. This is something that may actually bother you. So, although it is good to improve, in a way, it forces you. Things that are done forcibly and involuntarily naturally stress you out. Maybe it’s not about your lover, but all other human relationships, birthdays, celebrations, etc. will exhaust and tire you over time.

Harms of Social Environment Development

Your abilities develop naturally. Over time, your capacity to do business and your views are the same. Maybe you have now left that old sincere person, yourself, aside and focused only on development. You left old friends behind and ran further. Congratulations, you are now in a hot lane filled with fast runners just like you.

Economic growth and inflation rates of developing countries show the difficulties and vulnerabilities these countries face. For example, according to the United Nations Development Programme’s report, 72 out of 120 low- and middle-income economies are considered fragile in terms of default risk.

Be careful not to slip! Because if you fall, remember that you will hit the ground as hard as the height and speed you fly… Is there any point in feeling sad after falling? All kidding aside, our social circle can throw us wherever it wants, like a log flowing in a river, if we let it. Don’t listen to social trends or what other people say. Because this life is yours and live it freely as you wish.

Harms of Advanced Artificial Intelligence

While artificial intelligence can make our lives easier, it also carries risks such as addiction, isolation, manipulation and unemployment. Ethical issues and the threat of war cannot be ignored.

It has been stated that the number of incidents related to the misuse of artificial intelligence has increased 26 times since 2012. This highlights the complexity and potential risks of AI's impacts on society.

The world of science and software is developing rapidly. For example, even I have gained the ability to do things much further than I was when I developed my first Android application. And I now get help from artificial intelligence in my work (such as code suggestions, error detection and analysis, etc.). Sometimes I write something and ask the artificial intelligence for its opinion. We had very deep and philosophical conversations with artificial intelligence, Google Bard (later it became Gemini). These conversations improved me, and on the other hand, artificial intelligence also improved with these conversations. This development has been positive for both parties. No problem so far. But one day I shared this on my social media account:

“I cannot have the conversations I have with artificial intelligence with 99% of people!”

Here we come to the point where the clarion calls bullshit. With this statement, although I actually say, “I am happy to find an AI Bot that will have realistic conversations even when I do not have friends available to chat with at the moment,” I cannot say that I have seen artificial intelligence as an alternative to humans at some point! After a while, my interest in artificial intelligence decreased and I stopped using it outside of work. If I were to replace humans with artificial intelligence in every field, I could come to the point where development would tear me away from life, confine me to a room with a computer or a phone screen, and deprive me of sunlight. In other words, an antisocial life…

Underdeveloped Problems of Developed Countries

The world’s number one developed country and the poorest country are not just a name difference. Happiness is important for people living in opposite poles. Just like peace and comfort. Developed countries in terms of human rights are more sensitive and more respectful of your rights. This is where development is good anyway. In developed countries, the legal system should be more developed. Thus, one becomes aware that the sole purpose of all laws is to protect the environment and people, and is lived that way.

Climate change is projected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year between 2030 and 2050. This highlights the seriousness of our planet's environmental impacts and the potential impacts on human health.

At some point, development will stop working for good and create ideas that will bring about the end of the world. What happens if a developed person gets caught up in his emotions and acts selfishly? What happens if masses follow their rulers without question? These situations cause bigger problems in developed countries. Remember the First World War. So the situation will become more dire.

It is the fault of development that developed countries use their power against countries they consider inferior to themselves.

Development must be completely conscious. Even the development in nature occurs in harmony within natural conditions. To become a tree, there must first be a seed. As if touched by a magic wand, the seed does not instantly turn into a fruit-bearing tree. At least not in this universe. It happens with imaginary products. There are laws of physics in our universe.

It is wrong to develop blindly.

Disadvantages of Emerging Planets

A planet thrives on natural vegetation. Animals evolve and mutate and then new species emerge. Earthquakes, winds and floods shape the earth’s surface. Nature also develops, but over time. The difference with nature is that it is natural.

So how can naturally evolving humans produce things that impact the planet? It is not known whether it is because he consumes a lot of sugary products. It arises entirely out of necessity, just like every invention. Of course, human nature contains a balance. As it evolves, not only bad ideas but also good ideas evolve.

For example, if we have too many children and the population explodes, the planet will no longer be a livable place. It is imperative that we look at the course of our nature and focus on climate and population growth. We do not yet have the environment to establish extraterrestrial life. That’s why we must protect the planet we have, protect the resources and use them carefully.

ISS (International Space Station) shows us that life in space is not easy. It is now necessary for us to find another habitable planet. Because with this rapid population growth and limited resources on the planet, our lifespan is rapidly running out. The development we have has become too much for the planet we live on. You can compare it to this: you are trying to teach political science to a primary school student! Or you are trying to put 1 liter of water into a 200ml bottle. In both cases, there will be a capacity problem. There is capacity but no resources. Even if the resource exists, there is no technology to use it efficiently.

It may be necessary to stop or slow down an excessive development.
Not to get in the way of life, but to sustain life.
On the other hand, we started to use development correctly. There is good news. Recycling is now on the agenda of companies such as Apple. It is essential that we use development for good.

Thriving as a Result:

We need development. But we need to develop without violating human rights and nature. Development must occur over time and in a way that it adapts to its surroundings, just like the growth of a sapling. Because this will alleviate the damage caused by development.

Revolutionary development will always be painful. While there may be a revolution at one point, someone may be paying the price for it at other points. Consider that you are the ones paying the price. Maybe not today, but tomorrow, development will trample you too. Uncontrolled power causes harm!

Empathy should be your assistant as development continues. Revolutions made by overthrowing, destroying and trampling on the old ones will only remain a bad example for subsequent revolutions. We will reap what we sow. He who sows the wind reaps the storm. Development is a neutral force. If you use it for good, tomorrow will be better.

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