HIGH MOTIVATION – Attention Please!

The Key to Success and Happiness: High Motivation!

Do you want to unlock your true potential and live a meaningful life or chase your dreams? You are at the right place. What you need is HIGH MOTIVATION! Our cells consist of constantly moving subatomic particles. And not compromising high motivation is even in our DNA. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Focus, because high motivation is waiting to be loaded from your soul to your brain, then to your heart and from your veins to your entire body.

But remember, motivation is just the beginning. You must take action to make your dreams come true! Here are 11 items that will motivate you, inspire you, and boost your motivation!

1. Set a Goal!

There are things needed to get people out of bed every morning. There are some events such as going to work, dropping your child off at school, having breakfast, watching TV series, going to a meeting, visiting family. What lies behind these events is inspiration . And the more inspired you are , the easier it becomes to do these tasks. These activities, which are difficult for others, remain like child’s play for you. This way, you will be happier, save time and enjoy the moment.

High motivation is the driving force that motivates you and keeps you moving forward without giving up in the face of difficulties. When you set your sights on your goals, you don’t hesitate to take the necessary steps to achieve them. Real-life success stories can guide you on this journey. Look around and examine who and what is successful. You will see traces of high motivation.

2. Create!

Those who do not produce are not considered to have lived themselves. You produce constantly throughout your life. Even if what you produce consists of repetitions, you create it. For example, in a conversation, you reuse thousand-year-old words, but the sentences you make create your style. And this creation belongs to you. It’s just like that for every work you produce. You even create the act of loving with your own unique style. You are a true producer and creator . You will find the source of this creation in the high motivation flowing through your veins .

Motivated individuals tend to be more productive, which is an important step towards success. You get more done, you work faster and more efficiently. In this process, you can benefit from time management techniques and productivity tools. The only source of productive power is your highly motivated mind.

3. Focus!

You have a job at hand. This job is actually a duty. Anyone who does a job with a sense of duty will be more successful. We can call this taking things seriously. A job can be done more successfully in two ways. The first one is when it is done with love. The other is to do the job seriously. I explained this before in Turkish as Hobbish. Hobby + work together create a meaning.

*Hobik, combining “hobby” and “work,” suggests a fun and productive activity, a passionate pursuit blending leisure and work for personal fulfillment and tangible results. (*new)

That means doing your job with love. This means that you will be more successful because you take your job seriously and do it with passion.

Motivation helps us focus our attention on important tasks and reduces the risk of distraction. You can work without being distracted or losing concentration. Study gold dot with pleasure. You may not always be able to do what you love, but give it a chance. Maybe you’ll be more successful than everyone else!

4. Increase your self-confidence!

You are more valuable than anything in this universe. You are superior to all fairy tale heroes. This universe has no meaning without you. Because it is your will that makes this universe live. These are real and nothing is greater than you. Because of you, the seas are blue and the mountains are high. Everything is just a world revolving around you. Who are you? A human being is an individual, a valuable being. So you are yourself.

Whatever you are, no matter what time and age you are, will continue to be the most valuable asset of the universe for your life and beyond. So trust yourself and discover your potential!

Self-confidence is a critical factor for success, and motivation fuels this self-confidence. You believe in yourself and your abilities, which makes you more courageous and enterprising. Improving self-expression and presentation skills can further increase this self-confidence. Believe in yourself!

5. Fight!

There is a challenge in every job. Most of the time you see people giving up on something while doing it. Because they haven’t become durable enough yet. It takes at least 9000 hours of work to specialize in a job. If difficulties deter you after 5 hours, it means that you do not have high motivation to do that job yet.

If your motivation is low, you cannot overcome difficulties. Grab a bottle of high motivation water from the fridge and drink it… Jokes aside, I wish it were that easy. Actually it’s easier. It’s easy to motivate you, but you know it best. It’s your job to uncover what motivates you. You can overcome all difficulties with high motivation.

You need to know that the difficulties you cannot overcome are another type of motivation that prepares you for the future. Failure is the greatest motivation if you are aware of it! Take your frustrations, put them in a pot of high motivation and bring them to a boil. Everyone has failed at most things in their life. But the world turns. Let the scent of this new power blow your mind.

High motivation allows us not to give up in the face of difficulties and obstacles. You continue to struggle and overcome obstacles without giving up. Strategies for coping with difficulties will support you in this process. Look around you, you will definitely find someone to inspire you.

6. Improve Yourself!

Your first task is to improve yourself. Without you developing, the world is like a toy robot that stands still and cannot move one step forward. The power that will carry you forward is you, along with everything within you. Someone who is asleep cannot walk. A tired person does not want to run. Hold on to high motivation and let it carry you where you want to go. Motivation is a tool, you can use it. You also need it to improve yourself. Just like a breath.

Motivation is a driving force for us to improve ourselves and increase our potential. You can always continue to learn and improve. Mentoring and coaching can be valuable guides on this journey. But be like a sponge and focus on the whole of life, not on predetermined ideas. Because even a 10-year-old can present you something in a golden bowl that a professor cannot see.

7. Build Good Habits!

You should take care of yourself. A healthy mind is in a healthy body. The source of a good mind is regular sleep and regular nutrition. Your relationships with other people should be as healthy as your body. The source of your power and the soul of your motivation is your body and your spiritual relationships.

Motivation helps us develop healthy and positive habits. You eat healthier, exercise more regularly and get better quality sleep. Habit formation techniques help you integrate these new routines into your life.

8. Recognize Negative Power!

The universe is built on opposites. Concepts such as light and darkness, hot and cold, good and evil are interconnected and complement each other. These opposites are called duality . Understanding duality helps us find balance and harmony in all areas of our lives.

It is important to see the glass half empty.

Knowing the negatives allows us to learn from our mistakes and make better choices. In this way, it encourages us to maintain our motivation and strive even harder to achieve our goals.

Negative power, just like positive power, can help us overcome difficulties and make the most of our lives. It makes us more resilient by allowing us to fight and not give up in the face of difficulties. It also stimulates our creativity and allows us to find new solutions.

You will even enter hell with high motivation… (If you deserve it, give it your due)Sheriff

9. Discover Relationships!

Every morning when we wake up, there is always someone important in our minds. Sometimes these are our lovers, sometimes our family or friends. Sometimes it’s the excitement of people in new environments we haven’t met yet. There is a bond established between us and these people. Human relationships are one of the most basic and important elements of human nature.

The people who make a person happy or unhappy are usually the people closest to him. Relationships connect and motivate us, but in some cases they can also have the power to alienate us from life. The important thing is that we are aware of this situation and act accordingly.

Individuals who are aware of the influence of other people act according to the situation and take attitudes according to the person. In this way, they can control the happiness and sadness that may arise to some extent. Let’s appreciate the people who will reveal our high motivation and keep them in our lives. Through relationships, we discover those who try to bring us down and increase our chances of success. Let them act as they wish, but once we know ourselves and our value, their words and actions cannot affect us.

Motivated people are always more successful in both business and personal relationships. Because they have high motivation, they communicate better, work more harmoniously while having stronger relationships. Empathy and active listening skills can further increase your success in this area.

10. Manage Stress!

High motivation significantly increases our ability to cope with stress. You remain calmer and more controlled in stressful situations. Stress management techniques and relaxation exercises will help you develop this skill.

However, applying these techniques without going out on the field will only be a word. Go out in public and let people have their way with you. Listen and watch them. In this way, you will “fill” your stress database to the brim and increase your resistance to various types of stress.

Remember, today’s troubles are a rehearsal for the troubles that will come tomorrow. As you struggle with stress, you will enter a “building process” for your high motivation without even realizing it. Your troubles will eventually end and when you look back, you will witness how much stress actually helped you.

There is no world without worries. It is up to you to create a world where you can control your troubles.

11. Feel the Happiness!

Happiness is a free energy and its source is our mind. Someone who uses his mind well can manage to feel happy almost at any time. Ethical understandings in the world try to limit happiness. Because the world has a harmony. For example, at a funeral everyone is expected to look sad.

However, high motivation is always with you, regardless of time and place.

Of course, it is also important to use high motivation correctly. You can live with high motivation without hurting people, on the contrary, by supporting them in matters they need.


Don’t expect everything from someone else!

I hope this text inspires and guides you on your motivational journey!

Light the fire of motivation and take action to reach the peak of your potential!

Have a good day.

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