Does an Alien Live in a Human Body?
Could there be aliens in a human body? What is the alien species INSA-OL 21? It is for entertainment purposes only. Pseudoscience example
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Could there be aliens in a human body? What is the alien species INSA-OL 21? It is for entertainment purposes only. Pseudoscience example
Since our satellite does not have an atmosphere, we can say that these two problems are the same. Although there is no gravity in space, it does on the Moon. You know, you’ve watched videos of astronauts climbing and jumping on the Moon. How many teas per month? Our topic is the month and the number and drinkability of… Is Drinking Tea in Space Beneficial?
We are proud to share with you a discovery of the science journal Arizorus (Historyzorus). It is formed by combining two Greek words meaning “terrible lizard” ( deinos+sauros ) by Richard Owen . According to the findings, the first dinosaur was unfortunately found in the town of Tekesh in India. This is the second finding this week, and it looks like the history… A Historical Scandal: Are Dinosaurs From Tekesh?
Does watching depressing news increase cancer? *According to estimates, those who constantly watch the news in the last 10 years may have 8 times more cancer than those who do not. What should journalists do about it? Soon… How does watching the news trigger cancer? ** According to the cancer estimation result of Marsuan Estimation Company ; People are 8 times… Can Bad News Increase Cancer?
Pseudoscience is gaining fame and profit by manipulating information. Even having “science” in its name causes a kind of manipulation. Because those who hear the name of science look at the positive part of the word. And other definitions are needed to replace the so-called science word. Because maintaining this manipulation means supporting exposure. Below we have prepared examples… What is Pseudoscience?