What are the Harms of Hunger?

What Are the Harms of Hunger

The harms of hunger do not end with counting. On the other hand, food is both delicious and essential for our survival. When we are hungry, the body reacts immediately. The brain stimulates the organs, the body becomes sluggish as it makes energy planning, and it supports the psychological pressure and fatigue. So when you’re hungry, you don’t… What are the Harms of Hunger?

Does Excessive Exercise Shorten Lifespan?

Does exercise shorten lifespan?

It’s a joke, but not quite. Let’s think a little. There is no doubt that sport is one of the most sensible activities people find. Human health depends on sports. And when we do not do sports, our body proceeds step by step towards the destruction process. Let’s see how sports interrupts life when it is so necessary. Let’s get… Does Excessive Exercise Shorten Lifespan?

Can Bad News Increase Cancer?

Does Watching the News Increase Cancer Risk?

Does watching depressing news increase cancer? *According to estimates, those who constantly watch the news in the last 10 years may have 8 times more cancer than those who do not. What should journalists do about it? Soon… How does watching the news trigger cancer? ** According to the cancer estimation result of Marsuan Estimation Company ; People are 8 times… Can Bad News Increase Cancer?

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